Grains are an essential element in nutrition, generally with seasonal products. One part of the production of grains is utilized for consumption (human or animal).
These species at present contribute in an important and selective form for a number of families in the rural areas, as well as being providers of raw material to big industries or traders who give added value to the same.
Grains and seeds have different functions but their origin is alike if not the same.
Quinoa in a grain produced in the Bolivian Altiplano for over 5000 years.
It is the “Sacred Grain of the Andes”. This miraculous cereal is considered to be the only food of vegetable origin that provides all the essential amino acids, being its balance superior to wheat, barley or soy.
Amaranth is a grain that is produced in the inter Andean valleys of Bolivia, in the departments of Tarija, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba and La Paz. It is considered a product with high nutritive value and with a great agricultural potential, as foodstuff, industrial and for export.
Corn is considered as one of the basic foods of humanity, since it is planted and consumed all over the world. It belongs to the family of grains. It is a cereal recommended for those allergic to gluten.
Wheat is an easily adaptable product and of easy storage, until the simple transformation en foods of high nutritional content. It is from this that its use is highly used in the production of foods for humans and animals.
Beans are cultivated all over the world and its fruit is one of the most known and appreciated. There are over one thousand varieties, that produce a pod with hard seeds.
Its popularity is due basically in its invigorating effect, toning and stimulating, consequence of the presence of caffeine in approximately 0.75% to 1.5% of its weight.
Are very much appreciated in almost all countries since they have a high nutritional content, they are very recommended in people with diabetes since the carbon hydrogen is absorbed slowly, it is a good source of protein, especially when combined with rice.
Is a marvelously generous leguminous. It can be prepared as a bean, germinated (sprouts) and in an incredible variety of sub products: soy milk, tofu, miso, soy sauce, soy lecithin and for use in pastries.
It contains more protein than meat and fish, and three times more than eggs. Its seeds have a high content of fiber, low caloric index, no cholesterol and practically no saturated fats.
Rice is a cereal, autogamy, of high tallness, that grows easily in tropical climates. Originally, rice was a plant cultivated in dry land but with its mutations it turned into semi aquatic. Even though it can grow in diverse mediums, it will grow faster y with more vigor in a hot and humid climate.