These products are primarily used to produce end products such as bread and other widely consumed goods.
Soy flour is obtained from the entire soy cereal and is used in bakeries. Soy flour has a high protein value.
Soy flour is also used as a animal food supplement.
Quinoa was domestivated about 5’000 years ago in the high Andes of South America, at an elevation of roughly 3’800 m.a.s.l. It is one of the best plant-protein sources in the world and contains all essential aminoacids.
Flour with which various dishes can be prepared, especialy bread. As it is gluten free, it is an excellent joice for everybody with a gluten intolerance.
Rice flour is popular because it contains no gluten and therefore is a great option for everybody with a gluten intolerance.
Oat flour is very finely grounded and has a light taste. It can be used by bakeries and industries a like.
Se obtiene de la molienda del grano de trigo maduro, entero o quebrado, limpio, sano y seco, en el que se elimina gran parte de la cascarilla (salvado) y el germen. El resto se tritura hasta obtener un grano de finura adecuada.